Virginia Queen Bee Breeders Network

Ruth Meredith pickup in Smithfield area. Overnight shipping possible

 Contact:  High hygienic UBO Italian stock

 Call (landline): 757-356-1611

  F1 Canadian-Denmark Buckfast:

       Mated Queens, Virgin Queens, Ripe Queen cells, 48hr cells

  F2 Michael Palmer Carniolan Hybrids:

        Mated Queens, Virgin Queens, Ripe Queen cells, 48hr cells

  F2 Randy Oliver:

        Mated Queens, Virgin Queens, Ripe Queen cells, 48hr cells

The following is a list of participants that maintain Instrumentally Inseminate Breeder Queens from reputable queen breeders or genetically superior open-mated queens that are kept for the express purpose of generating new queen bees for distribution within the Commonwealth of Virginia to enhance the gene pool of our local stock.  We will begin UBO testing our breeder stock in 2024. Stay tuned for more information on buying UBO proven queens and daughter stock.

Network Membership for the 2025 year is currently OPEN.  Please send an email if you would like more information on the cost and program description to  

If you would like periodic updates from the Network on producers and availability, sign up here

John Davis, local pickup Powhatan, Virginia


 Call/Text: 804-314-5073

 F1 VSH VP  Pol-line Queens:

      Mated Queens, Virgin Queens, Ripe Queen Cells

 F1 VSH VP Queens Spartan Carniolan:

      Mated Queens, Virgin Queens, Ripe Queen Cells

 F1 VSH Harbo Bee Company:

      Mated Queens, Virgin Queens, Ripe Queen Cells

Stone Horse Apiary & Apothecary local pickup Franklin, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake & Suffolk

 Contact: Kristine Smith  UBO testing stock this spring.

 Call/Text: 781-879-5155

 F1 VSH VP Queens Pol line2.2:

      Open Mated Queens, Virgin Queens, Ripe Queen Cells

Find us on Facebook by clicking on the logo

Sourwood Farm, local pickup Earlysville, Virginia

 Contact: Ryan Williamson

 Call/Text: 434-960-2858

F1 VSH New River Carniolan:

      Mated Queens, Virgin Queens, Ripe Queen Cells

Local Sourwood Farm tested VSH:

     Mated Queens, Virgin Queens, Ripe Queen Cells

Just Bee Apiary local pickup Vesuvius, Lexington, Fishersville

 Contact: Hannah or Britt Bailey

 Call/Text: 540-460-2984   870-285-5606

 F1 VSH VP Queens Pol line2.2:

      Open Mated Queens, Virgin Queens, Ripe Queen Cells

 F2 Randy Oliver Hybrid Queens

      Open Mated Queens, Virgin Queens, Ripe Queen Cells